Stillwater Billings Clinic


Welcome to Stillwater Community Healthcare Foundation

Established in 2004, Stillwater Community Healthcare Foundation serves as a philanthropic arm to support Stillwater Billings Clinic. The Foundation is a vehicle for the friends of Stillwater Billings Clinic to ensure quality healthcare services for the friends, family and neighbors of our community now and into the future.

Each year, our Foundation puts on a Jewel event, where donations are raises to go toward major and necessary equipment and purchases for the hospital. This year, our foundation is planning an “80’s Party,” which is scheduled for September 23, 2023. The event will be held in Columbus, Montana. More details to come.

Our Foundation accepts donations including but not limited to cash/planned givings, bequests, life insurance policies, stocks and bonds, and estate gifts.  If you would like more information on how you can give to the Foundation or if you would like to be a part of our “80’s Party,” please call Stillwater Billings Clinic at 322-1000.

Foundation Board of Directors

  • Colette Schlehuber
  • Sonya Blenkner
  • Christine Brown
  • Lisa Parkin
  • John Marjerison
Stillwater Billings Clinic - Caring for Our Community